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    What do you need to be successful in the Forex Market ?

    Practically, You need to cut down your manual trading time in such a way that, trading conclusions should be made in short amount of time of investment with lot of experiences. While hitting a trade in forex market ; trade entry aspects are less important then your profitable exit strategy.

    For exact way to 90% plus accuracy level you mainly require three following things in sequence...

    • 1. Practical Knowledge 
    • 2. Accurate Tools
    • 3. Long-term experience

    1. Practical knowledge 

    Initiating career in currency market is quite challenging in beginning atleat for 3 - 4 years. As per my opinion no thery knowledge would help you in any tight trading position. Everytime you must find some new level of opportunities on accurate level.

    Trading in Forex Market is all about Traders mindset. You must engage initially in clock around all sessions through week. Mainly focus on ( if required ) American session for better understanding of such high volatile trading situations. 

    There no as such any magical trading robotic kind of instrument is existed on planet ; which can give us 100% guaranteed long term profit from any currency charts. Within our practically based experiences ; we can attend the level of perfection in expected trading situations on basis of knowledge.

    2. Accurate tools.

    I my self is robo programmer for various trading scripts and trading strategies. The tool you must expect is only perfect mind set not virtual technical malfunctions; because forex brokers are smart enough for making you loose in any situation at any point of time. 

    Even market make-up or ecn platform brokers can not afford to give long-term profit at all. Within their game plan you must understand switching your funds on multiple genuine fx brokers platform.

    As per my experience, There is no short cut in for ' To be successful Forex Trader '. I have seen 95% people loose money because of emotional and weak psychological attachment in real live trading market at hectic high volatile complex situations.

    So, Its better to be in Self generated mind set ; can be used as a tool for more reliable consistent profits.

    3. Long Term Experience

    Just in case if ; You are willing to make money fron forex trading in shorter period of time then try to hire genuine professional forex trader before you make any decision in real live market. Three following thing can kill you if immature decision is taken.
    • 1. Visual Illusions
    • 2. Underestimating fx trend
    • 3. Emotional-over confidence
    You will earn little less from any professional joint venture trading program rather then loosing your whole hard end money. So hire any professional for genuine and consistent long term profit.

    3 Pillars to a successful Trading Career.
    • 1. Make consistent pips daily.
    • 2. maintain daily pips
    • 3. Repeat trading disciplines.
    1. Make consistent pips daily

    Here the word 'consistent' is defined as ; To be specific trading planner ' Means to be selective or to become conservative while choosing any trading session. Every trading session is defined by its own market liquidity volatility. May vary from different time frames every day. 

    2. Maintain Daily Pips

    If you Invest for example : $5000 
    You must set Your risk management strategy for security purpose. Maintaining daily profit in terms of pips is a different part. Just start understanding investment in % against levaradge on daily or weekly basis as per your intraday or delivery module. 

    3. Repeat Trading Disciples

    Once you make successful recovery of break even cost within the amount what you invested. Repeat same style of your experience trading on next multiple trading account ; subsequently it will double your profit unexpectedly. 

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