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    7 Must-Read Books Every Forex Trader Should Read

    There are many books that can be helpful for forex traders, covering everything from technical analysis to trading psychology. 

    • 1. "Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques" by Steve Nison - This book is widely considered the definitive guide to candlestick charting, a popular method of technical analysis used in forex trading.
    • 2. "Trading in the Zone" by Mark Douglas - This book focuses on the psychological aspects of trading and how to develop a winning mindset.
    • 3. "Reminiscences of a Stock Operator" by Edwin Lefevre - This is a classic book that tells the story of legendary trader Jesse Livermore and offers insights into his trading strategies and mindset.
    • 4. "Market Wizards" by Jack Schwager - This book is a compilation of interviews with some of the most successful traders of all time and offers insights into their trading approaches.
    • 5. "The New Market Wizards" by Jack Schwager - This is a follow-up to "Market Wizards" and features interviews with another group of successful traders.
    • 6. "Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets" by John J. Murphy - This is a comprehensive guide to technical analysis that covers everything from basic charting techniques to advanced indicators.
    • 7. "Currency Trading for Dummies" by Kathleen Brooks and Brian Dolan - This book offers a beginner-friendly introduction to forex trading and covers the basics of currency markets and trading strategies.

    Remember that these books are just a starting point, and there are many other resources available to help you improve your forex trading skills.

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