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    The Top 5 Tools For Keeping A Trading Journal

    Keeping a trading journal is an important part of improving your trading skills and tracking your progress over time. 

    Here are some tools that can help you keep a trading journal:

    • 1. Excel or Google Sheets: Spreadsheets are a great tool for creating a customized trading journal. You can easily create columns for date, instrument, entry and exit price, profit or loss, and any other relevant data.
    • 2. Trading journal software: There are several trading journal software options available that can help you track your trades and analyze your performance. Some popular options include Edgewonk, TradingDiary Pro, and Tradervue.
    • 3. Evernote: Evernote is a note-taking app that can be used to keep a trading journal. You can create a notebook specifically for your trading journal and add notes for each trade, including screenshots, charts, and other relevant information.
    • 4. Trello: Trello is a project management tool that can be used to keep a trading journal. You can create a board specifically for your trading journal and add cards for each trade, including notes, attachments, and labels.
    • 5. Pen and paper: If you prefer to keep things simple, you can always use a pen and paper to keep a trading journal. Just make sure to include all the relevant information for each trade, so you can analyze your performance over time.

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